What's new in Voluum? - page 5

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August update: Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads) for all!

This month had passed under Microsoft’s banner. The usual perks that come with API integration, mainly cost update, are now valid for Microsoft’s advertising platform. Connect your Voluum account with your Microsoft Advertising account and sync costs. Want to upload conversion from Voluum to Microsoft Advertising? No problem, we got you covered also in this topic!

Microsoft Advertising integration

Integrating Voluum and Microsoft Advertising accounts is as straightforward as possible. You just simply need to go to Voluum’s Automizer, select Microsoft Advertising as a traffic source to integrate with and login to this account. Once you do so, costs will be synced on a campaign level.

Conversion Upload to Microsoft Advertising

A complementary feature to the integration. It allows you to pass conversions from Voluum to Microsoft Advertising. Conversions, that where tracked using any method (pixel or postback) from any type of offer (third party or your own offer).

To make it work, simply create an offline conversion goal in Microsoft Advertising and then generate a postback in Voluum with the same event name as your conversion goal. You then will be able to submit this postback as a traffic source postback URL in your Microsoft Advertising traffic source setup in Voluum.

You can find the more detailed instructions on how to do that in our knowledge base.

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July update: Campaign form improvements

In an effort to have a cake and eat a cake, or rather, giving Voluum users plenty of options while at the same time keeping the UI clean & intuitive, we introduce campaign form improvements. All Voluum’s powers are available at your fingertips but far away enough not to distract you when creating a simple campaign.

June update: Create auto-rules from templates!

The seemingly endless customization options of auto-rules can make them hard to set up for beginner users. This is why why’ve added the Rule Library – a collection of most useful rule templates that allow you to automate your campaigns with just a few clicks. And don’t worry, you can still edit those templates to adjust them to your case!

Rule library

Overwhelmed by the number of options that rules have to offer? No problem! Use the search options to define what do you want to achieve and find the matching rule.


Currently there are 20 templates of most useful rules, but more are coming!

Edit shared reports

Shared reports are a useful feature for those that work with outside parties. Until now, a shared report couldn’t be edited and any change to the scope of data required creating a new report and providing the other party a new link.

Now, you can edit a shared report that has already been created without the hassle of exchanging links. Hide columns and change time periods, and your external coworkers will see updated reports.

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May update: Facebook Conversions via API

The biggest update of the month is an option to pass conversion data to Facebook using API. This is a great solution for people that track 3rd party offers from affiliate networks that couldn’t use the Facebook Pixel.


There are other smaller updates as well that aim to make Voluum easier to work with.

Tracking Facebook Conversions

The main way of tracking conversion in Facebook is its Pixel. It’s an OK solution, if you work with your own offers and can edit the offer page.

However, affiliates than run 3rd party offers cannot do that. Until recently, they could use postbacks to record    conversions in Voluum but had no option to send them to Facebook.

Facebook does allow for sending conversion information via API only for verified domains, which, again, exclude those that track 3rd party offers.

With the Voluum May update, affiliates can verify any domain that they own in Facebook and then use Voluum to pass conversion information.

Learn more from our knowledge base.


Offer markers

A treat for all users that love markers! From now on, you can assign them to offers, not only placements. Use markers to quickly identify profitable offers or other meaningful ones.

Hiding data from workers

In an effort to make collaboration in Voluum even more versatile, we’ve launched on option to hide selected columns from workers. You can limit their view to parts of your data on top of limiting their access to various elements in Workspaces.

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New Automizer rules form and decimal precision came to Voluum in April!

The new way of creating rules is clearer and more intuitive. Add new rules with ease, knowing exactly what they will do.

While we’re on the topic of making things clearer, you can now control how metrics with fractions are displayed by managing the decimal precision.

New Automizer rules form

The form that allows you to create rules has been modified to include two tabs. The first tab allows you to define rules general settings, such as name, an element this rule refers to and an action to launch, while the second tab allows you to add conditions.

We hope that decluttering of the rules form will make adding new rules easier.


Decimal precision

When a given metric, typically cost or revenue, has fractions, it was impossible to define how such a metric was displayed.

Now you can define the decimal precision to generate more exact and intuitive reports!

Just click the cogwheel icon in the metric’s top bar and select, how precise the fractions should be.

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Pushground integration, cost sources in reports, and the click cap feature

Check the status and control your Pushground campaigns straight from Voluum. See the source of the cost as hints in your reports. Set a daily cap for the number of clicks for a selected offer.

Pushground integration

Auto-update traffic costs, pause & activate your campaigns, change bids, and – of course – set automation rules & alerts. Yes, yes – thanks to our fresh new integration with Pushground, you can do all that (and more!) without leaving Voluum.

Pushground is one of the leading ad networks, specializing in push ads & in-page push traffic.

They enable advertisers to succeed with everything from advanced user targeting and integrated fraud filtering, to campaign automation with a CPC starting at just $.001!

Read more about our Pushground integration here.

Cost sources in reports

As you know, cost can have different sources (campaign settings, manual cost update, integration transfer, or estimation). Things can get quite complicated, especially in drilldown reports or in time periods with multiple sources. 

This has caused some serious headaches for our clients (and us) in the past. To make things easier, we’ve added source hints in the Cost column as shown below.

Learn more about tracking costs with Voluum.

Click cap feature

You can now set a daily cap not only for the number of conversions for a selected offer, but also for the number of clicks. After the limit you set is reached, your visitors will be automatically redirected to another offer.

What exactly has changed in the setup?

  • In the offer form, you can choose between conversion and click cap
  • A new column showing current click cap value and limit
  • A new column in bulk offer import/edit: Offer cap type (CONVERSION or CLICK)

Read more about how our click cap feature works here.

Smaller improvements, changes & bug fixes:
  • We have added a new cost model within campaigns: CPA per event type (cost of conversion)
  • You can now choose whether you want the “Report” button to A) open a new report in a new tab, B) bring you immediately to a new report, or C) have two separate buttons – “Report” & “Report in new tab”
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Improved reporting & direct tracking. More parameters for postback URL tracking. Different payouts per geo and more!

Our reporting is now more user-friendly, insightful and useful than ever! You can utilize your reports to the fullest potential and optimize your campaigns to a tee. 

We’ve also simplified the setup and turbocharged the Direct Tracking Pixel and Redirectless mechanisms.

As for postback tracking, you can now send an extra 5, customizable pieces of information from your traffic source.

And last but not least, if you’re tracking your payout manually, you can now differentiate conversion amounts per country seamlessly.

Reporting improvements

Our reporting is now more user-friendly, insightful and useful than ever! Utilize your reports to the fullest potential and optimize your campaigns to a tee. Check out what exactly has changed:

  • Notes are now accessible as a read only column in reports!
  • Report with filters for multiple campaigns. You can select as many campaigns as you want to generate detailed, hand-picked reports.

Learn more about reports in our knowledge base.

Improved Direct Tracking

We’ve simplified the setup and turbocharged the Direct Tracking Pixel and Redirectless mechanisms.

These two functionalities are now called Direct tracking. All the benefits of this method of tracking still apply, your direct campaigns are not affected in any way but we handle things on our side more efficiently and the UI is more intuitive. 

Find out more about Direct tracking.

More parameters for Postback Tracking

You can now send an extra 5, customizable pieces of information from your traffic source.

Learn more about how to properly set parameters in your Postback URLs.

Different payouts per geo

If you’re tracking your payout manually, you can now differentiate conversion amounts per country seamlessly.

Find out how to set GEO-specific payouts in Voluum.

Smaller improvements, changes & bug fixes:
  • Added the ability to select a timezone per report instead of having to change global setting in profile
  • Added {cost} to tokens available in offer URL
  • Added an ability to sort reports by ‘Status’ column
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Integration re-authentication for Facebook & Google

We’ve launched the option to re-authenticate an existing integration with Facebook or Google.

Integration re-authentication for Facebook & Google

We’ve launched the option to re-authenticate an existing integration with Facebook or Google. What does this mean?

Now you’re able to refresh old tokens without creating a new integration and losing your mappings. There is a new action icon in the integrations table for that:

Learn more about our full integrations here.

Watch these short video clips to see how smoothly Voluum works with Facebook and Google Ads campaigns.

Smaller improvements, changes & bug fixes:
  • Changed how transition mode is set – it can now be defined for an entire traffic source, so that all campaigns from a given source are by default Redirectless
  • Increased Automizer cost synchronization frequency
  • Changed validation on RevShare cost model – it can now be set to more than 100%
  • Fixed a bug that caused landers with ‘+’ sign in the URL to not be properly matched by redirectless script in some scenarios
  • Added the ability to completely remove a workspace if there are no entities within it
  • Fixed a bug in live events list that caused some https visits to show up as http
  • Added ‘Notes’ column in reports to let you see them all at a glance
  • Changed how custom domains setup is being validated on backend to properly validate domains behind a reverse proxy (e.g. Cloudflare)
  • Introduced a new version of custom columns with more functionality
  • Added an ability for Automizer rules to be applied to entire traffic sources instead of selected campaigns only
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Automizer: percentage-based rule conditions and rules based on bot traffic & custom events/columns

More upgrades to our built-in automation tool. Now, you can:

Set a condition for a rule based not only on the value of a chosen metric, but also on its percentage related to another metric and…

Protect your campaigns from fraudulent traffic even when you’re not at your post!

Automizer: percentage-based rule conditions

Now you can set a condition for a rule based not only on the value of a chosen metric, but also on its percentage related to another metric.

A time range can be easily added to such a condition. You’ll find this new option in the 4th step of the Automizer rule creation form.

Find out how to create automation rules with Voluum Automizer.

Rules Based on Bot Traffic & Custom Events/Columns

Now you can create auto-rules based on the number of suspicious clicks & visits, plus their percentage in the incoming traffic. Setting up rules related to custom events & columns is also possible. More automation, less frustration!

Learn how to create automation rules with Voluum Automizer from this article or watch a short video tutorial.

Smaller improvements, changes & bug fixes:
  • Simplified how custom variables values can be copied – you can now select multiple rows and copy all the values in bulk
  • Fixed a bug in Outbrain integration that caused cost currency not to be properly recognized in some scenarios
  • Added a column in Conversion Report with Postback URL that was fired to the Traffic Source
  • Improved accuracy of cost estimation in integration with Taboola
  • Added unique visits, unique clicks, suspicious visits %, and custom conversions to available metrics to be used with Automizer rules
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Campaign markers, new Automizer time range, and whitelists & blacklists automation

Set custom variable markers for entire campaigns to keep track of all your advertising with even less effort.

Make your job easier with a new Automizer time range: “Today”.

Let Voluum Automizer build white/blacklists for you.

Campaign markers

Set custom variable markers for entire campaigns to keep track of all your advertising with even less effort!

Use inline-markers, bulk-markers, and filtering. For filtering, only campaigns with traffic get filtered. So in case a campaign you want to filter with this marker doesn’t have any traffic, you won’t be able to see it.

Learn more about campaign markers from this article & video tutorial.

New Automizer Time Range

We have launched a new time range for Automizer rules – “Today”. It will cover a range from 00:00 of the current day till “now”. You can also select the timezone in another field.

Find out more about setting automation rules in Automizer.

Whitelists & blacklists automation

You no longer need to build your white/blacklists from scratch by yourself. Automizer can do it for you! 

You can use Blacklists to detect poorly performing placements in any campaign and then pause them in other campaigns. 

With Whitelists, you can build a list of placements that meet certain criteria and easily share it with someone. It is available for all traffic sources except Voluum DSP.

This feature is available as a new action for dimension auto rules.

Learn how to use white/blacklists in Automizer with this article or watch our short video tutorial.

Smaller improvements, changes & bug fixes:
  • Added a safeguard to Clickbank integration to make sure conversions synchronized via API do not duplicate conversions obtained via postback URL before integration was added
  • Increased Automizer cost synchronization frequency
  • Added an ability to exclude campaigns from being auto-matched by Automizer
  • Improved filtering out prefetch/preload visits from stats (e.g. when campaign URL is posted on facebook, and it fetches thumbnail and description)
  • Added an ability to postback percentage of the payout to the traffic source via new {payout:X%} token. Available on selected plans only.
  • Added new token to offer URL tokens list: {flow.id}
  • Added the ability to change bids on content.ad directly from within Voluum, with a split for mobile/desktop bids.
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