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See the exact same bid value in Voluum as in your traffic source, change bids with auto-rules, and choose which users specifically will get Automizer alerts.
We’re taking our Taboola integration a step further for your convenience. From now on, instead of seeing a specific value in Voluum (e.g. $0.5), you’ll get the same data you’d see in the traffic source (i.e. 110%).
This will surely make your work process even more seamless and efficient.
Find out everything about the Voluum-Taboola integration. Check out this article.
We’re adding a new action type to Automizer rules: changing bids.
From now, you can change bids straight from Voluum on the campaign level.
Learn everything about creating auto-rules in Automizer here.
Yet another Automizer update that will make teamwork even better!
Now, you can specify which users you want to be notified within the Automizer rules. By default, everyone who can access the entity is alerted, but now you can select specific users to receive the notification.
This update affects all sorts of notifications, including email, push & inbox!
Learn how to set auto-optimization rules in Voluum Automizer.
- Reports now display a number of total rows in a given report in the ‘Sum’ row
- Removed validation that required entity names to be unique, now you can have multiple campaigns/offers/landers with exactly the same name
- Added multi-currency support in Automizer rules
- Fixed a bug that caused two landers with the same URL but different IDs not to be properly recognized by Redirectless script
- Added a validation on payout value from postback – values of over $1 000 000 are being discarded now. (Can be disabled per account, so if you do actually have conversions of over $1M, let us know)
- Disabled City/Region tracking for Verizon Media campaigns to meet their compliance requirements
- New dimension to be used with rule-based paths: referrer domain
- Added support of changing MGID bids from within Voluum reports
- Added support for GDPR Consent Strings
- Added ‘Conversions’ tab in offer report, to show only conversions of a given offer
- Added an option to group Flows & Paths in reports
- Added an ability to add an Automizer rule to a campaign during its creation
Create your own custom columns for metrics not available in Voluum. Separate any repeated clicks that land in your reports.
You asked for it, we delivered!
Now, you can create your own custom columns for metrics not available in Voluum.
You can use 2 selected metrics (column or static value) to create a column that will show the data you need.
Learn more about use cases and how to set up Custom Columns here.
As you know, Voluum allows you to distinguish unique visits from subsequent ones.
But from now on, you can also distinguish unique clicks from the subsequent ones! Use this data to separate any repeated clicks that land in your reports (read more).
- UX improvements in Date Picker
- Exposed JS API for Redirectless tracking
- Added an ability to pause sites in Taboola integration directly from within Voluum reports
- Added an ability to remove Custom Domains even if it has SSL assigned
Set different currencies for each condition in your Automizer’s campaign flow.
Select specific times when you want your campaigns to be active.
Choose values you want or don’t want to repeat throughout your campaigns in Voluum Automizer.
No more conversion rate tracking and constant worrying! From now on you can set different currency for each condition in your Automizer’s campaign flow. It’s time to bring your automated Voluum campaigns to the international level!
Check out this article to learn all you need to know about Multicurrency.
You can now manage when exactly during the day your campaigns are spending money. Go to the “Dayparting” section, open a spreadsheet, and select at what times you want your campaigns to be active.
Automizer will pause and resume the campaigns according to your settings.
Learn here how to set auto-optimization rules in Voluum Automizer.
You’ve asked for it and we delivered: whitelists and blacklists for your Automizer campaigns!
Whitelists and blacklists are based on various dimensions such as Site IDs, placement names, IP addresses and more.
You get access to 100 lists and you can run up to 500 entries in each. Just choose values you want or don’t want to repeat throughout your campaigns and save yourself the headache!
Learn more about using Automizer for your benefit!
- Integrated Automizer with TrafficJunky
- Added {useragent} to traffic source Postback URL available tokens
- Fixed a bug that caused some domains with uppercase letters to fail CNAME validation
- Automizer rules now display last & next run times
- Introduced Custom Columns
- Added Workspace ID column in Collaboration Tools tab, as it’s frequently used in CSV bulk upload
- Integrated Automizer with Content.ad
- Implemented Impression Forwarding – the ability to return a redirect on an impression pixel in order to load a 2nd one
- Added an option to pay via Google Pay
- Auto-saving Drafts of campaigns/offers/landers
Voluum is now fully integrated with Adsterra – a leading global advertising network, serving over 30 billion ad impressions per month worldwide.
We’re happy to introduce another traffic source now fully integrated with Voluum – Adsterra! It’s the third platform we’ve integrated this summer after Outbrain & Zeropark. And there will be more!
Thanks to the integration, you can now auto-update your costs, pause & resume campaigns, change bids, set automation rules & alerts and more – all without having to leave Voluum!
Adsterra is a leading global advertising network, serving over 30 billion ad impressions per month worldwide.
They’ve recently launched a new ad format, Social Bar! It lets you access 4 highly-engaging types of ads: Custom Banners, In-Page Push, Chat, and Video Bars.
Why should you try Social Bar right now?
- 20x-30x higher Click-Through Rate (CTR) compared to web push
- Higher CPM rates for publishers thanks to high visibility & user interaction
- А/B testing of up to 15 creatives at a time
- Non-aggressive advertising compliant with Google regulations
With Adsterra’s AI optimization algorithm that selects the most relevant creatives, formats, and companies to match your traffic, you can be sure that your content will grab users’ attention from the very beginning.
- Voluum is now integrated with Content.ad
- Added virtual whitelists/blacklists to Automizer rules
Set up automated rules with specified time frames – between 1 hour up to 3 months.
Automizer keeps getting better and better!
Now it will be even easier for you to set up automated rules as you can choose any of the time frames between 1 hour up to 3 months.
Each comes with a respective set of frequencies so you can always stay up-to-date with your campaigns’ performance.
Learn more about setting up automation rules with Voluum Automizer.
- Voluum is now integrated with Outbrain
- Improved stability of Facebook integration
Create custom rules to automate your campaigns straight from the tracker.
You can now integrate MGID with Voluum and control your campaigns right from the tracker.
Apart from auto-updating your costs, changing bids, and pausing/resuming your campaigns you can now create your own automation rules. Set a custom condition & let Voluum re-adjust your campaign the moment something changes in your campaign’s performance!
Watch this short explainer video to learn more about Voluum Automizer:
Visit this landing page or our knowledge base for a more thorough review of the feature.
Yet another traffic source integrated with Voluum!
We just integrated another traffic source – MGID. Learn how to easily set it up here.
You can now use Automizer with all your Revcontent, Propeller Ads, Taboola, Exoclick, and MGID campaigns. And more integrations are coming soon!
- Voluum is now integrated with Exoclick
- Added an ability to set markers for custom variables
- Introduced a mechanism to estimate traffic costs in Automizer in situations where cost is temporarily not available on traffic source’s end
Fully integrate your traffic sources with Voluum. Check & control your campaigns without the need to leave the tracker!
Get a notification if an integration with your traffic source stops working.
Special statuses from integrations and bids for the integrated campaigns have been added.
No more jumping between platforms as we’ve officially introduced the Full Integrations. Now you can control your campaigns from Voluum!
- Check the status of your campaigns
- Pause/activate your campaigns
- Bid up or bid down, based on sites/zones & campaigns
- Exclude non-converting sites/zones
- Auto-update your traffic source costs
Read more about Voluum’s integration with Taboola, Revcontent, and PropellerAds in our documentation. And remember, this is just the beginning… stay tuned for more updates!
Sometimes not everything goes as planned… This is why we launched notifications about broken integrations.
If your integration with a traffic source fails or stops working, you will know about it right away. Moreover, we’ll provide you with a file with details about the issue, which will help you fix the problem asap.
To make your life easier, we’ve added special statuses from integrations and bids for the integrated campaigns. They will also remain visible as keywords for your convenience.
For more, check out our article on Integrated Campaign Statuses.
- Integration with Clickbank – conversions can now be pulled via API
- Voluum is now integrated with RevContent & Taboola
Block access to your landing page from visitors or programs that didn’t come through a campaign URL.
Make sure that spying tools won’t access your pages and steal your precious content. To help you protect your most successful landing pages we’re introducing Landing Protection Script.
Use this feature to block access from visitors or programs that didn’t come through a campaign URL. Learn all about it from this article.
Track your campaign cost based on impressions.
You can now test the beta version of Taboola Cost Integration and Taboola Traffic Source Integration.
Easily check your landing page’s status code, click URLs, and redirect-less tracking script.
We are happy to announce that from now on you will be able to track campaign cost based on impressions.
Just choose the “Auto (CPI)” option in the Cost Model section during the campaign setup for a simpler experience. Just make sure you set up impression tracking properly and pass cost value when firing the impression pixel with the correct parameter from the Traffic Source.
Learn about tracking traffic source cost in Voluum here.
We are working on Taboola Integration.
Currently available as a beta version, once completed, this integration will enable Voluum to exchange information between both platforms and update it automatically.
Say goodbye to uncertainty during the lander-setup stage! Our Lander Scanning Tool allows you to check the page status code, click URLs, and redirect-less tracking script.
You are now literally one click away from a detailed automated report on the status of your landing page.
Learn more about the Lander Scanning Tool.