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What is Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is Facebook’s advertising division that allows marketers to access a global audience using precise targeting options.

History and Evolution

Facebook Ads, launched in 2007, revolutionized the digital advertising landscape by offering targeted advertising solutions on the social media giant’s platform. Facebook’s advertising journey began with basic banner ads and has evolved into a sophisticated ecosystem catering to businesses of all sizes. The platform’s user base and extensive data collection capabilities have contributed to its dominance in the advertising industry.

As of today, Facebook Ads continues to be one of the dominant forces in the digital advertising market. It holds a substantial share of the global digital advertising revenue, alongside other tech giants like Google, Tencent or Alibaba. Facebook’s robust targeting options, extensive reach, and versatility have attracted advertisers seeking effective ways to connect with their target audiences.

Facebook properties

It is important to remember that Facebook’s parent company – Meta – has more properties than to it than just this one platform. Meta owns Instagram, Messenger and Horizon Worlds, a metaverse platform. This enables marketers to reach a diversified audience.

Main Channels

Facebook News Feed Ads: These are the most common ad format, appearing within users’ News Feeds. Advertisers can create engaging visual and text-based ads that seamlessly blend with users’ content.

Instagram Ads: As part of Facebook’s ecosystem, Instagram allows advertisers to create ads that fit organically within the platform’s visual format. Stories, photos, and videos can be leveraged for engaging ad campaigns.

Facebook Messenger Ads: These ads appear in users’ Messenger inboxes, allowing businesses to directly interact with potential customers and foster personalized communication.

Audience Network: Facebook extends its reach beyond its own platforms through the Audience Network. This feature displays ads on external apps and websites, leveraging Facebook’s targeting capabilities.

Facebook Marketplace Ads: Businesses can showcase their products or services within the Facebook Marketplace, tapping into a community of users looking to buy and sell.

Video Ads: Facebook supports various video ad formats, including in-feed videos, autoplay videos, and live streaming. Video ads offer dynamic storytelling opportunities.

Carousel Ads: These interactive ads enable users to swipe through multiple images or videos, providing a comprehensive showcase of products or services.

Dynamic Ads: Perfect for e-commerce businesses, dynamic ads automatically display products based on users’ browsing history or interests.

Lead Generation Ads: These ads simplify the process of collecting user information by providing pre-populated forms within the ad itself.

Benefits using Facebook Ads

Facebook allows marketers to target people not only by general characteristics such as location. It allows for far greater targeting precision, enabling targeting by various behavior traits, interests and so on.

Advertising on Facebook Ads provides marketers with plenty of information for optimizing their ad delivery. They can use it to make advanced A/B testing of their ads, copy, and targeting options.

The popularity of Facebook Ads means that there are a lot of courses, free or paid, that may help master advertising on Facebook Ads.


Advertising on Facebook Ads is not for everyone. All marketing campaigns need to follow Facebook’s compliance policy and they will be reviewed by a compliance team. Facebook Ads is big – so big that they won’t care if they lose ad revenue from a small advertiser. Facebook enforces ‘ban first’ policy to protect its users, and advertisers are left to appeal.

This makes Facebook Ads a harder sell for marketers trying more innovative techniques or advertising in one of many categories that are banned by Facebook. Such marketers should try one of many Facebook Ads alternatives.