PDIC / Everflow
Offer Owner / eCommerce / Tier 1 / US / eCommerce / native ads

How Voluum + Everflow are Used To Manage & Optimize D2C Marketing Campaigns

PDIC CEO Jason Kutasi has been selling children’s books for over four years. Unlike his competition that relies on Amazon and traditional retail channels (brick and mortar stores), he puts his faith into direct relationships with customers. 

Jason has been running ads on platforms like Facebook or Google, but suddenly started experiencing performance issues due to the launch of iOS14. In fact, he was seeing about 30% attribution loss following the iOS 14 update. 

His solution? Jason used Everflow to fix any attribution issues and utilized Voluum to give his campaigns the horsepower they needed by providing split-test optimization.


Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream (PDIC) is a rising star in the children’s book publishing space with over five million books sold, award-winning authors, and over 5,000 five-star customer reviews.


To track and scale paid traffic channels, manage the relationships with company’s partners and fix attribution issues caused by the iOS 14.5 update.


Employ Voluum to track paid advertising efforts and optimize them, and use Everflow to monitor the performance of each advertiser and fix attribution issues.

Voluum feature

Anti-Fraud Kit / Automation / Collaboration Tools / Conversion tracking / Integrations / Reports & Analytics / Rule-Based paths / Traffic Distribution AI


All advertising efforts are visible in Voluum with conversions being reported by Everflow.

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Voluum and Everflow are the power couple

Voluum has been in business since 2015, has over one hundred team members, and has been recognized by AffiliateFix, Affiliate Space Awards, and AppLift as a top ad tracker. It can handle tracking at any scale, and tracks over 500 million ad events daily.

Everflow has been around since 2016, has over seventy team members, and is consistently ranked as the top partnership platform by organizations like G2, Capterra, and Trustpilot. It enables over 850 customers to amplify their performance channels and partnerships via a single, simple-to-use platform.

Together, they form an end-to-end tracking solution for direct to customer companies such as PDIC.

The way that PDIC solved their iOS 14 performance issue was as follows: 

Offers are first created in Everflow, and then they are split-tested using Voluum. Everflow then posts back the conversion data, including revenue, into Voluum. PDIC then uses their own internal solution to add in COGS to optimize to true net profitability.

Everflow’s conversion attribution mechanism doesn’t rely on redirects and can attribute a conversion to the original visit. 

Voluum on the other hand allows Jason to find the best landing page and offer variations, optimize for the lowest CPA and highest profitability, and rotate landers via AI tech.

In the end, Voluum and Everflow work seamlessly together to tackle attribution challenges like those caused by iOS 14 for PDIC, while also providing some powerful benefits on their own. Together, they enable Jason to run a complex business in which he manages unique customer relationships and advertising strategies.

Split-testing pages and offers is my main use case. When we first started, we weren’t using Voluum and had to manually export data from our attribution platform, and then run pivot tables on the “S Parameters” to optimize. We were doing this multiple times a day, and it was a grind.

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