Agency / Media Buyer / Mobile Apps / app installs / mobile traffic

How Dreamin’ scaled a new campaign to $ 200,000 thanks to Voluum’s precise targeting

  • Budget scaled

Dreamin’s advertising revolves around running app download / in-app-event campaigns that redirect to Google Play store or App Store. Their strongest verticals are eCommerce, mobility, and travel.

As you can imagine, a business like this requires tracking software. 

Dreamin’ uses Affise and they are satisfied with the reporting and tracking features, but most of the campaign optimization process had to be done by the team manually. There were lots of Excel sheets needed to gather data and constant internal and external communication with traffic source platforms. A never-ending combination of variables. 

A ridiculous amount of things to test over and over again…


Dreamin’ is a company created by mobile experts, who offer the acquisition of high-value mobile users.


Client requested impression tracking, creating the need for a more advanced tracking solution, and Dreamin’ found searching for new sources and scaling the business too time-consuming.


No more data discrepancies thanks to Voluum Automizer. Dreamin’ stopped losing traffic on unprofitable campaigns with Traffic Distribution AI and focused on scaling instead.

Voluum feature

Anti-Fraud Kit / Automation / Collaboration Tools / Conversion tracking / Integrations / Reports & Analytics / Rule-Based paths / Traffic Distribution AI


 Brand new campaign scaled up to $200,00 in less than 6 months.

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Dreamin’ wasn’t into finding a new platform until one of their clients requested impression tracking.

They checked all the tracking platforms available on the market and Voluum seemed to meet their impression tracking requirements the best. They tested the platform to find out if that’s what they were looking for. It was a match! With our impression tracking feature, the client was satisfied.

It didn’t take long for Dreamin’ to see that Voluum could offer them much more. So,  they decided to go beyond impression tracking and move more affiliate campaigns to Voluum.

Before a tracker, Dreamin’ needed lots of time to find good sources and take action to scale. It all changed with Voluum. Our intuitive dashboard helped avoid distractions and Dreamin’ started seeing the bigger picture faster. If their source didn’t deliver or has already delivered the full budget, they would get push alerts on mobile & desktop instantly. Thanks to setting up the conditions for alerts, they could focus on other tasks.

To further improve performance and exclude pages that didn’t generate conversions, Dreamin’ started using Traffic Distribution AI. Voluum was automatically redirecting the traffic to the best-performing offers, landing pages, and paths. As the algorithm works constantly and consistently, they could be sure that no traffic will be wasted on the underperforming elements.

And once we launched Automizer, – our new tool for automation, Dreamin’ didn’t wait long to start using it. They integrated their account with PropellerAds & MegaPush sources to take full control over their campaigns. They were happy to solve the problem of data discrepancies and say goodbye to repeated click-losses connected to inaccurate cost tracking.

Conclusion? Getting a tracker is really worth it. 

Dreamin’ started three years ago and managed to scale its business and achieve ROI that for others in the mobile acquisition world is unreachable.

“We know one thing for sure: Without the impression tracking and the geo-targeting functions of Voluum we wouldn’t run many successful campaigns. Thanks to Voluum’s precise geo-targeting, we scaled up a brand new campaign to $200.000 in revenue in less than 6 months.”

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