Agency / Mobile Apps / Nutra / automation / bot protection / Facebook ads / Google ads / mobile traffic / optimization

How Worify earned 30% more & saved 12 hrs weekly with Voluum Anti-Fraud

  • Earnings 30%

Ashish focuses on helping brands reach their target customers through lead generation campaigns. His performance marketing channels typically include traffic sources like Google Ads, Facebook Ads and more.

Worify strives to be a results-driven company that delivers leads in a trackable and measurable way.


Ashish’s agency specializes in the nutra vertical and mobile applications. He has been running his business, Worify, for 6 years now. And 5 of those 6 have been with Voluum!


Before Voluum, the process of campaign management and optimization was extremely manual and time-consuming. He had to track each campaign manually, and then make changes and adjustments based on the results that were noticed. Plus, he was struggling with losing unknown amounts of money to bots on a regular basis.


Voluum has helped Worify streamline the entire process, which has made it much easier to optimize campaigns for profitability. Moreover, Ashish and his team can now save 10-12 hours per week on manual labor!

Voluum feature

Anti-Fraud Kit / Automation / Collaboration Tools / Conversion tracking / Integrations / Reports & Analytics / Rule-Based paths / Traffic Distribution AI


In one week, Worify saved $5k by getting a refund through Voluum’s Anti-Fraud Kit. They earn 30% more & save 12 hours weekly on work.

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Before Voluum, Ashish was confined to hours and hours of manually monitoring, tracking and optimizing campaigns. 

Not only was this extremely tedious work, it often led to errors. While Worify needed to show trackable, measurable results, the fact that everything had to be done frequently meant errors in reporting and campaign management. It became clear that a human wasn’t meant to do this painstaking work… that’s what ad tracking softwares like Voluum are for 🙂

Saving time, saving money, fighting fraud

On average, Worify’s switch to our ad tracker resulted in tons of labor hours saved per year: On average, 10-12 hours saved per week with Voluum!

For an advanced agency handling hundreds of campaigns like Worify, Voluum’s user-friendly interface goes above and beyond by also being highly-customizable. Plus, Ashish finds Voluum “customer support outstanding”. Whenever he has had a question or issue, the team has always been very responsive and helpful. Some of his favorite features include:

  • Automated A / B testing
  • Notifications and alerts sent to desktop / mobile devices
  • Automizer (our API integration tool for traffic sources)
  • And the Anti-Fraud Kit, our bot-detecting technology!

That final tool came in quite useful. Like most digital marketers, Ashish was not aware of just how much money he was losing to ad fraud and just how much bot traffic was skewing his stats. Voluum’s Anti-Fraud Kit shed some much-needed light on that.

Not only can Voluum spot the fraud that the human eye will never notice, optimize with A / B testing faster than you ever could, but also we are continuously innovating. It’s no secret that tracking is getting more and more tricky with increasing restrictions. And it’s Voluum’s mission to stay ahead of that curve and ensure tracking for our loyal customers.

“Bot traffic was definitely affecting my conversion rates. Fraudulent traffic is a big problem in the online advertising world, and I was losing a lot of money to it. Voluum’s fraud detection features have been a lifesaver.”

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