Agency / Lead Generation / Tier 1 / Tier 2 / app installs / Facebook ads

How Point2Web got 50% more revenue & 10M more clicks on Facebook with Voluum

  • Revenue 50%

Point2Web’s history goes back to 2017 when Alex, the CEO, along with his partner were trying to make their mark by setting up offers on different platforms, driving traffic to them, and getting as many conversions as possible. 

Soon came the time to size up operations – getting more partners on board, and setting up offers on a larger scale. Their most successful niches include insurance lead gen, app installs, and sweepstakes. 

Point2Web also runs its offers on various platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Taboola, and Outbrain. 


Point2Web is an agency created by digital marketing experts dedicated to finding new ways to connect with audiences in ways that matter.


Working with 30+ advertisers across multiple verticals and platforms like Facebook, and tracking, as well as optimizing work manually.


Voluum’s API Integration with Facebook, detailed reporting, and automatic A/B testing.

Voluum feature

Anti-Fraud Kit / Automation / Collaboration Tools / Conversion tracking / Integrations / Reports & Analytics / Rule-Based paths / Traffic Distribution AI


50% increase in profitability and 40% – 50% more leads generated.

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Before using a tracker, the Point2Web team faced challenges like optimizing and processing data manually. It could work for low volumes of offers, landers, and campaigns…but Point2Web is working with 30+ affiliates, across multiple channels and verticals. With all of that work getting done by hand, Point2Web was unable to test new offers or verticals. Which left them feeling like they were trying to get across the city on a bike when they could jump into a car – out of breath…  

And Even though Voluum is the first tracker they ever tried, Point2Web never wanted to change.  Voluum makes working with multiple advertisers and many variations of landing pages simpler by allowing the user to set up schedules for them. This way Alex and his team can ensure that specific campaigns run, for example, during opening hours of call centers, driving traffic to their clients in a way that converts. 

About 90% of Poin2Web’s traffic comes from Facebook.

And thanks to Voluum they found a really handy way of working with multiple media buyers on Facebook. Each one requires a URL with a unique domain name. This would normally necessitate creating 40 landing pages separately and maintaining them. With Voluum however, they could mirror the original WordPress page 40 times and use the Voluum script to replace the domain name in the URL. Efficient, without needing multiple ad accounts on Facebook. And Facebook and Voluum are integrated which means you get to observe the strength of our Automizer feature in the first-row seat. 

And If you thought that’s all Point2Web loves about Voluum, you’re wrong.

They love that the process of A/B testing can be automated in Voluum with Traffic Distribution AI. Which can re-adjust traffic flows to your best-performing landers. Without having to constantly check your performance, split-testing lander variations became simple, saving Point2Web time on optimization. 

Each event in Voluum is linked to over 30 data points, and to make sense of it you can choose from 4 grouping options and 7 drill-down levels to squeeze out the vital sets of data, something Point2Web can’t work without.

The energy saved from not having to track their progress manually meant Point2Web turned up the volume of projects. Gaining $5M in revenue in 2022 alone with over 10M clicks speeding through Voluum obstacle-free. 

Without a tracker, it was like having a car with just 3 wheels – you can travel some distance with it, but you won’t go far. You guys are like our friends.

Improve your advertising. 
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