James Prosper
Media Buyer / Lead Generation / Search ads / Social media ads / Tier 1 / automation / Facebook ads / finance / iOS update / legal

How James beat iOS15 with Voluum direct tracking

  • Workload 50%

James runs several types of ads across various traffic sources: search, social, native, and mobile ads.  

He started out with FunnelFlux – which did indeed boost his campaign performance. The benefits of tracking in advertising is undeniable. But as his business expanded, he felt the need to test another tracker to make sure he was getting the maximum for his money.


James Prosper is marking his 11th (😱) year in the digital marketing industry. He has worked in multiple sectors of digital marketing. Currently his main niches are financial and legal, with a special focus on lead generation.


Even with other tracking solutions, James struggled with: being forced to manually update costs; creating and managing server-only installation; constant issues implementing direct tracking.


Direct tracking through Voluum saved plenty of James Prosper’s campaigns, fixing attribution issues with Apple iOS15. Along with Redirect tracking that changed the game for Google Ads & Facebook Ads.

Voluum feature

Anti-Fraud Kit / Automation / Collaboration Tools / Conversion tracking / Integrations / Reports & Analytics / Rule-Based paths / Traffic Distribution AI


Now it takes 1/2 the time it used to take to create and launch campaigns & he can track despite any iOS15 blockers.

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These challenges with scale and accuracy brought James to Thrive Tracker. Another affiliate marketing software which was another “okay platform, and did the job.” So that’s when James Prosper came over to Voluum. And it’s been 2 years here now! 😍

Since then, he’s tried and enjoyed a range of our services: API integrations with Automizer, educational resources from Affiliate Academy, and fast, helpful answers from our Customer Success team.

Support + Automation + Direct Tracking + more

Campaign setup became a breeze, especially with the “flows function” that allows for landers and offers to be set before the whole campaign. Voluum’s redirect & direct tracking helped him beat Google Ads & Facebook Ads tracking issues and attribution issues with Apple iOS15 respectively. 

Voluum’s Automizer also allows him to set up Auto-Rules which he sets based on if / then conditions for his campaign performance. James actually uses these rules below to ensure consistent profitability (even when he’s not in front of the computer):

➡️ Turn off placements when widgets spend more than 1x the payout with a Conversion 💰

➡️ Increase bids by 20% on profitable placements that have more than 3 conversions in the last 3 days 🤑

If these sound complicated, you always have resources like our dedicated Account Managers of free Voluum Academy to learn more.

Just like James Prosper, Voluum Tracker (and our team behind the software) can help you with automation and our “smart optimization” features, direct and redirect tracking, overcoming iOS15 challenges, and much more!

“Direct tracking meant attribution was even more accurate because the Conversions were tracked server-to-server and not based on cookies in browsers… Direct tracking on Voluum meant I could look at the numbers reliably in the Dashboard.

With redirect tracking, after multiple ad account blocks in the past on Google and Facebook it feels like I’m ghost-tracking. I no longer get my ads flagged for malicious activity”

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