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Bing Ads
Bing Ads

Don’t waste your time

Voluum Bing API integration automates the manual work

Store and mange all your advertising data in one platform. Easily integrate, track and optimize Bing Ads (also known as Microsoft Advertising) in Voluum.

Why go with Bing Ads?

Bing Ads is an advertising platform where you can run campaigns on the Bing search engine, as well as on their partner sites which include AOL and Yahoo. If you’ve advertised on Google Ads before, you’ll have an idea of how it works as they are pretty similar.

They employ the CPC cost model and you can run campaigns based on keyword targeting. Your ads will appear on the Bing search engine result pages or on Microsoft Advertising's partner sites.

Though the search volume on Bing may be lower than their main competitor, Google, it makes up for it with lower costs. Not only are they relatively cheaper, ads seem to generally perform better on Bing. Another interesting benefit: the average Bing user is generally more affluent than others.

Why Bing Ads?

Why track Bing / Microsoft campaigns with Voluum?

Voluum is one the frontrunners for tracking on the market with their cloud-based structure and advanced features. With our tracking technology and API integrations, you can control your Bing Ads campaigns from one platform (as well as other major traffic sources like Google Ads, Outbrain, Taboola, and more). Use our tracking software to:
  • Track campaign and conversion data in one platform
  • Optimize your performance marketing to increase ROI
  • Stay on top of your budget with alerts and markers
By organizing, managing and optimizing everything from one platform, you can maximize profits. Know how every parameter is performing and easily compare across our comprehensive dashboard.

Let Voluum do the work.

effortlessly optimize

Automizer is Voluum’s innovative automation solution. With this powerhouse tool you can integrate several traffic sources and pass exact information for campaigns – even if that particular source doesn’t support dynamic cost tokens. The Voluum and Bing API integration lets marketers:
  • Automatically synchronize costs on Bing campaigns’ level
  • Receive notifications and warnings for poorly performing ad groups/targets
  • Mark in your reports targets/ads that perform best
  • Set Bing Ads Postback URL with the API integration
Learn more about our Automizer tool in this Voluum's blog post.

Start benefiting from the integration today!
