Set up the most-converting flows with ease:

Voluum & Heyflow integration

Upgrade your pages with interactive flows from Heyflow and track conversions with Voluum.

Voluum and Heyflow

How can Heyflow improve your pages?

Heyflow provides a no-code solution that enriches web pages with engaging clickflows enhancing the user experience, and consequently, increasing conversion rates.

Use flows to:

  • Convert website traffic into leads with interactive flows

  • Provide gated content for easy lead generation through content restrictions

  • Segment your audience toward different pages or products

  • Design calculators or product configurators or other offer selectors

  • Engage visitors with interactive and eye-catching content

  • Propose different offers to your pre-qualified audience for higher conversion rates

Did you know....

Flows unlock the additional data layer about your audience that is otherwise not accessible.

Why use Voluum & Heyflow?

Voluum is a gateway to performance marketing. With Voluum, you can A/B test different flows on your traffic without changing the destination link in the ad network. This skips the necessity of getting your campaign approved again. 

Heyflow can also report any conversion actions (sale, lead, app install) to Voluum, giving marketers a full picture of all channels and all flows.

If you use paid traffic, Voluum will help you optimize its targeting and direct only the right people to the best performing flow.

Why integrate Voluum and Heyflow?

Voluum has so much to offer for those that want to turbocharge their flows:

Protect your flows from bots

with Anti-Fraud Kit’s pattern recognition

Automate your campaigns

with Automizer and its auto-rules

Analyze data

in multi-dimensional reports with more than 30 data points

Segment your audience

with rule-based paths

Employ AI to test flows more effectively

The digital world moves faster than humans can react. With the Traffic Distribution AI feature, you can delegate A/B testing to algorithms. Give it some time and come back when Voluum discovers the most profitable flow for you.

What a top native expert thinks of us:

“Thanks to Voluum, we could have a TikTok campaign and split test hundred different Heyflow funnels in rapid succession and have a winner in a week that performs markedly better than everything else.”

Nadim Kuttab

Nadim Kuttab

Founder of 6H & Xevio agencies
Native media buyer

The integration with Heyflow is available on all Voluum pricing plans!

Don’t go with the flow, go with the flow - and Voluum!
