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October 2022
October update: Integration account name and traffic type

For all the creative marketers that use tens of ad accounts in TikTok or Google, we have developed a solution that allows you to name each integrated account in a meaningful way. This way you won’t be just looking at a column full of ‘TikTok’ accounts, you will know which integration is which.

Another thing we added is the ‘Traffic type’ option available when setting up a campaign. This will help you sort and organize campaigns by the traffic type you use.

Integration account name

You can provide the name of the integration when creating a new one or editing an existing one.

Select the type of traffic from the drop-down menu. You can choose between:

  • Pop
  • Native
  • Search
  • Push
  • Banner
  • Mail
  • SMS
  • Video
  • Social

To view this value in the report, just group by ‘Traffic type’.

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