Offer Owner / Finance / Lead Generation / Native Ads / Social media ads / DACH / Tier 1 / Tier 2 / US

How a MyLead publisher increased his revenue by 182% with Voluum

  • Revenue 182%

MyLead is an affiliate network that deals with one of the branches of affiliate marketing. This part of internet marketing is growing in popularity among younger and older people, influencers, but also people working full time and those who treat affiliate marketing as the only way of making ends meet. Generally speaking, affiliate marketing is becoming more and more popular with everyone.


MyLead is an affiliate network with over 100.000 publishers from around the world.


Offering clients a solution to fit their different needs in acquiring traffic, and growing revenue. Also, finding a way to track both organic and paid traffic without re-directs.


Voluum provides the Direct Tracking Pixel, thanks to which publishers can accelerate the process of sending visitors to their offers and advertise without limits.

Voluum feature

Anti-Fraud Kit / Automation / Collaboration Tools / Conversion tracking / Integrations / Reports & Analytics / Rule-Based paths / Traffic Distribution AI


Publishers discovered niches and targets that are most profitable and are easily scaling their campaigns. One of them increased revenue by 182%.

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For MyLead, with over 100,000 publishers from around the world, it’s natural that everyone has a different, tailored way to reach the largest possible audience.

They were looking for a recommendable tool to fit their various needs and eventually they found Voluum. Many of the tools they’d used before did not meet their requirements. After taking a closer look at Voluum and the opinions of other publishers, it turned out that Voluum provides all the functions they were looking for and more. 

MyLead publishers decided to try using Voluum as a tool to help them succeed, and it didn’t take long for each publisher to notice the effects of their decision.

The main function of the tracker is, of course, recording costs and payouts. Thanks to it, not only did MyLead publishers find out how much they have earned on a given campaign, but also how much they’d have to spend on a specific promotion if they chose to invest in it. Only by combining these two pieces of the puzzle together would they know how much they had actually earned.

In the context of promoting multiple campaigns at once, being on track with everything is extremely important. Voluum provided publishers with various, different ways to have everything under control.

They say that if you promote, measurement is the first step to improvement. You need to control everything in your campaigns: offers, creatives, referrer links (link tracking software), carriers, browser versions, and device models.

All that will show you what to do to make your income and the number of your potential customers higher.

A problem that MyLead publishers have often encountered is the inability to track both organic and paid traffic without the initial redirect. This caused them considerable problems when advertising, e.g. on Facebook. However, Voluum provides Direct Tracking Pixel, thanks to which they can accelerate the process of sending visitors to their offers and advertise without limits.

Also, Voluum provides the most innovative tools to support anyone interested in affiliate marketing, like 

  • templates to enable automation features,
  • transparency with synced costs,
  • easy setup for integrations,
  • rules to automate campaign optimization.

Thanks to optimization tools, MyLead publishers found the niches and targets they must hit if they want to achieve the best results and higher income. Without manual tests, which consume precious time and energy.

According to MyLead publishers, one of the most practical features is being alerted when ad performance changes. Publishers know that their campaigns will be much more profitable if they spend all of that time scaling campaigns instead of just checking how is it doing.

Automizer is a new function that Voluum came up with just to help the publishers with their performances.

Thanks to this tool, they can automate and combine the entire process described above. All of this, on your own terms!

“Learn which features thousands of performance marketers use to track, manage, and optimize their advertising campaigns in Voluum. Since I started using Voluum as an addition to my collaboration with MyLead, my revenue has increased by 182%”

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